The results of the project were presented at international scientific conferences:

1. 29.01.21. 79. International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia (on-line). Paper 'The discourse of Soviet childhood in Latvian Museums and the Possibilities of Integrating it into the E-learning Environment at the University' (Iveta Ķestere, Marc Depapepe, Arnis Strazdiņš).Programme: Seminari_Lekcijas/LU_79.konference/Programma_Projekta_Cilveks__tehnologijas_un_izglit ibas_kvalitate_petniecibas_projektu_rezultati_.pdf 

2. 16.04.21. 63. International Scientific Conference of University of Daugavpils. Paper ‘Glorification of the totalitarian army: Childhood discourse of National Socialists occupied Latvia’ (Inese Rezgoriņa) Abstracts: 4_DU%2063%20starpt%20zinatn%20konf%20tezes.pdf 

3. 25.08.-28.08. 21. International conference ‘Education, Research & Development,’ Burgas, Bulgaria. Paper ‘Representation of the childhood in Children theatre repertoire: Latvian experience since 1991’ (Reinis Vējiņš): 

4. 09.09.21. European Educational Research Association (EERA), Geneva, Switzerland (online), Symposium ‘Entering the new communities of historians of education after 1945: former Eastern European perspective’ (Iveta Kestere, Marc Depaepe). Programme:

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